Speak Your Truth
It can be painful and scary as hell to speak your truth. Painful for yourself and painful for others. I held emotional pain inside for years, sharing it with a few trusted friends and family members, and a really good therapist. Having been told by my parents throughout my childhood that I exaggerated and lied about most things, I often questioned my ability to sort through my inner thoughts, feelings and experiences, most always acquiescing to the opinion or beliefs of others. It has taken many years to gain the strength and power to own and speak my truth, using my trusted and honest voice. I went through many years of therapy as a result of my childhood experiences. I'm now thankful for them and eager to share those experiences that ultimately led to where I am today - peaceful, willing, open and ready.
Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to open our hearts and souls and share our innermost secrets, thoughts, opinions and fears. Yet, it is in that sharing of vulnerability where we gain strength, bravery and courage. When our soul's wounds are shared lovingly, openly and freely, we create space for continued healing within ourselves and for others along the path.
I will be writing and sharing more about my life's journey. I'm sure some days I will be terrified to "hit send." Other days it may come more easily. Regardless, I'm going for it. I'm going to share my heart and bare my soul, in hopes that others will find the courage to do the same. Together, we are stronger.
Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.